Wakefield LOC
Annual General Meeting
Below are the details of our upcoming AGM and CPD event. This will be our first face to face AGM for 5 years! So, we really hope you will be able to join us.
The meeting will be held at The Holmfield Arms, Denby Dale Road, Wakefield, WF2 8DY on Monday 20th May 2024. The AGM will commence at 6:30pm following a buffet which will be served from 6:00pm.

  1  Chair's welcome
  2  Apologies for Absence
  3  Minutes of previous AGM (15th May 2024)
  4  Matters arising from minutes
  5  Chair's Report (C Auckland-Shone)
  6  Treasurer's Report (M Shelton)
  7  Election of Committee if required
  8  Any Questions?
  9  Short presentation: Fionnuala Kidd, Advancement Lead LOCSU
 10  AOB

The AGM will be followed by a CPD event hosted by The Body Doctor. It will incorporate information on the new Dry Eye Pathway in Wakefield. There are 3 interactive CPD points available.
Please email secretary@LOCWakefield.onmicrosoft.com to book your place providing your name and GOC number.